Stages of psoriasis are defined at time intervals during which the disease acquires its characteristic features. Many psoriatics mistakenly call the stage a severe or mild form of the disease, but in medical records the term is used in a completely different sense.
What are the stages of psoriasis?

Psoriasis is known as a recurrent skin pathology, the occurrence of which is blamed on genetics. According to dermatologists, at least 2% of the world's population suffers from this disease, which means that the problem is very urgent. During psoriasis 2 conditions are clearly distinguished:
- Repetition.This term refers to skin deterioration. In case of recurrence, the patient suffers from itching, pain, burning, profuse skin rashes, irritation and discomfort. The victim's situation is exacerbated by insomnia, neurosis and anxiety.
- Falja.This word is used to mean improving the appearance of the skin. In remission, the skin regains its normal color, the rash disappears and the psoriatic plaque area shrinks.
- phase of progress;
- stationary;
- regression phase.
Given that we are talking about a cyclical process, the stages flow sequentially and form a continuous course of disease.
Fact!The progress phase is considered to be the most difficult to feel.
What is the progression of psoriasis?
The progress phase is caused by a number of factors, such as the cold season or stress. In some cases, even an experienced dermatologist can not unequivocally identify the cause. During the progressive phase, it occurs as follows:

- Psoriatic nodes develop rapidly, affect the skin, interconnect in the so-called plaques, which vibrate and itch. A slab is an arbitrary shaped spot, most often round or oval, sometimes with an uneven edge.
- Papules, i. e. individual nodes of psoriatic rash, are lumps on the skin. The edges of the papule do not peel off, and the central part is peeled off. As a large number of dead scales accumulate, plaques begin to rise above the skin surface. Puffiness gives them an even more convex and uneven look.
- This stage of pathology is characterized by an isomorphic reaction, which consists in the aggravation of rashes in the case of skin lesions, scratches, injections, cuts, microtraumas. This phenomenon bears the name of Köbner.
A delayed reaction is characteristic of the progressive stage of psoriasis. In some cases, skin rashes appear about 9 days after exposure to a causative agent (such as a food allergen). Typically, a psoriatic rash appears within 24 hours after exposure to adverse factors.
Interesting!95% of psoriatics have some form of food intolerance that can cause relapse. To avoid deterioration, you should keep a food diary and observe the reaction to different types of food.
Stationary and recessive phase
The immobile phase is the period in the course of psoriasis in which the victim's condition is relatively stable. In the stationary phase:
- Psoriatic plaques have a smooth outline. The entire surface of the slab is covered with a thick layer of scales that peel off easily. Itching and discomfort are moderate. There is no bright red lip around the papules.
- With skin microtraumas, the Koebner phenomenon is not noticed, i. e. scratching or cutting healthy skin no longer turns into a psoriatic plaque.
The regressive or recessive phase is characterized by massive lesions of psoriasis. First, a pseudo-atrophic edge can be seen around the papules, and then patients notice a rapid rupture of the cutaneous skin, with the formation of hyperpigmentation plaques in place.
Severity of pathology
An additional diagnostic criterion is the assessment of the area of psoriatic lesions. The term "severity" is used to describe it. Dermatologists distinguish 3 degrees of severity of skin disease:
- Easy.Psoriatic plaques occupy 1 to 3% of the total body surface area. The small size of the affected areas does not mean that the patient is doing well. With psoriasis of the head or face, even a few plaques will be enough to cause discomfort and inconvenience to a person.
- Average.The volume of psoriatic outbreaks occupies from 3 to 10% of the total body surface area. This affects the back, chest and outer surfaces of the joints, head, palms and feet. This prevalence leads to serious intoxication and severe pain. The patient may completely or partially lose his ability to work, mental state and the state of the nervous system deteriorates.
- Heavy.The disease covers more than 10-15% of the skin surface. According to approximate estimates, if psoriasis occupies more than a quarter of the total body surface area, the likelihood of liver or kidney failure increases many times over. Decompensated damage to internal organs can cause the death of psoriasis.

To comprehensively assess the severity of psoriasis, a special scale called PASI is used. The scale takes into account:
- percentage of healthy and diseased skin;
- stage of pathology;
- patient response to drug therapy;
- individual tolerance of psoriasis (mental state, complications from the nervous system and psyche);
- objective data of laboratory tests in dynamics (for example, the volume of uric acid in a blood test).
Diagnosis takes into account all the symptoms that affect the condition of a person with psoriasis. Intensity is reflected in medical records:
- skin itching processes;
- redness;
- bounce;
- hyperemia;
- thickening of the skin;
- layering;
- blood flow;
- swelling;
- infections;
- pain syndrome.
On the PASI scale, the volume of skin lesions is described in numbers, from 0 to 72, where 0 is the absence of skin symptoms and 72 is the possible large-scale, possible spread of the disease.
Attention!It is important that the patient first of all knows and monitors the signs of a deterioration. If unfavorable symptoms appear, you should immediately visit a dermatologist, because psoriasis does not always enter the immobile phase itself. A comeback can last for decades.
Treatment of psoriasis depends on the stage
For each stage of the disease, its own set of therapeutic measures has been developed, so the first thing a dermatologist does is determine if psoriasis progresses, stabilizes or regresses.
How the progressive phase is treated
Every psoriasis patient assumes that forgiveness is ending from his feelings. If the itching worsens, the skin looks worse and psoriasis is clearly spreading over the surface of the body, treatment should be started. Advanced phase therapy has the following characteristics:
- The patient is committed to preventing further deterioration, strictly adheres to the diet, adheres to the causes of the pathological process (stress, smoking, alcohol).
- For severe itching, antihistamines may be used, an added benefit of this class of medication is the removal of swelling in the psoriatic plaque area.
- A dermatologist prescribes a wide range of local treatments to heal, soften and thin the skin. With the decision of the doctor, creams, oils or sprays are selected. Tar soap and solid oil compresses give positive dynamics. You can also apply compresses or apply Dead Sea mud cosmetics.
The main task at this stage is to stop the deterioration before the disease enters a prolonged relapse. According to the indications, the doctor chooses corticosteroids in injections or in the form of oils.
Attention!Corticosteroids should be used in a short and intensive course under the supervision of a dermatologist. You can give yourself injections or apply antihistamine oils.
Stationary and regressive phase therapy

Further actions of the dermatologist depend on the body's reaction to the treatment chosen. The following scenarios are possible:
- Medications have a positive effect. Within 1-2 weeks, psoriasis passes the stationary phase, regression and remission occur.
- Medications have no effect. If after 2-4 weeks from the moment of prescribing the course of medication, the results are not yet visible, this is a reason to change either the list of medications or the attending physician.
- Medications get worse. Such dynamics are also possible, especially if the dose or frequency of administration is not sufficient. Recovery is delayed, psoriatic plaques cover a large area of the body, the person needs hospitalization.
In a medical institution, the most powerful therapy is used, for example, blood purification with equipment. With a favorable reaction, psoriasis enters the stationary phase, which can last from a few days to several months.
Interesting!More than 80% of patients notice the seasonal nature of the exacerbations. This makes the disease predictable and allows you to prepare for the onset of a relapse.
The list of drugs for the stationary and regressive phases is exactly the same, but the dosage and frequency of administration are smaller than for the progressive phase.
10-15 year forgiveness
A competent dermatologist sets himself the following task - to choose such medications and physiotherapeutic agents that will give psoriatic patients the longest possible improvement. At the same time, the patient himself should promote treatment in every possible way, avoid the causes and take medication responsibly. If the alliance between the patient and the doctor has been successfully developed, then the duration of the pardon is unlimited. Sustainable wellness can last 15 years or more.